Freeze Warning: Preventing Frozen Pipes | White Knight

Freeze Warning: Preventing Frozen Pipes

Titan Factory Direct

With cold temperatures this week we want to give you some tips on how to prepare your manufactured home. The most important issue you must worry about is frozen pipes. Frozen pipes can cause short and long term damage as well as being costly, that being said the need to protect your home is even more important.

frozen pipes

Steps to Prevent Frozen Pipes:

1. Cover exposed faucets outside

You want to be sure to cover all faucets that are located outside with insulated covers, this will allow any remaining water from freezing and also be sure to cover any exterior pipes with insulation tubing.

2. Open Faucets

Be sure to open your faucets, just enough for a constant drip… by doing this it will definitely help keep your pipes from freezing (just keep in mind it might affect your water bill). If you have a faucet connected to both a hot and cold line, they should both be turned on to allow warm water to flow through your pipes.  

3. Open Cabinetry 

The last thing you can do is open your cabinet doors that are located in the kitchen and bathroom areas. With the heated air it will circulate around the exposed pipes keeping them at room temperature.


These are just a few things you can do to stay ahead of the cold weather. Be mindful and take the necessary precautions to keep your home good as new! So try and stay warm and if you can, cozy on up by the fire and stay warm and toasty.