Manufactured Homes In Reno: Helping To Afford Homeownership
Stick-built home prices have been on a steady rise since 2008, and the American housing market has felt the effects of that fact. People are genuinely struggling to keep their homes, and new buyers are finding it hard to get into the home they really want in the first place. The problem has only gotten worse, and news outlets are starting to see that the people want a better option than to commit 30 years of life to pay off a home. 2 News in Reno, Nevada recently released coverage on how manufactured housing was doing in the country and presented them as a viable option to help in Reno. What is found in the article points to the usefulness that manufactured homes in Reno could hold for Nevada. The piece reads, concerning the price rise in traditionally built homes and other prohibitive aspects of home-buying: “All of these facts make manufactured homes a more appealing option to those who would never consider them with the longtime trailer-park stigma. But now, they’ve never been fancier.” It goes on to recount the options and overall quality of the build as a salesperson took them through a tour.
There are wood cabinets, wide outdoor decks, and entertainment systems. In the bathroom, sit-down tiled showers. DiMaggio added, “Here’s a Roman tub…you have the high dual sinks here, additional cabinetry, separate toilet in this room, and over here is the beautiful walk-in shower.”
The important thing to remember is all of the features and positives about the place do not add any unreachable financial benchmark to purchasing the home. Features that are available are completely optional, so almost any budget can work for purchasing a home and maintaining it afterward. Truth is, depending on the individual manufacturer, a good majority of the pluses the article listed are actually standard on some models and builds.
Citizens of Nevada have not been free from harm concerning the price rises of the last few years. Any home, of any location in America, has been subject to this phenomenon. And with affordable housing in such short supply, there aren’t many realistic alternatives that can match manufactured housing’s attention to detail, quality, and customer satisfaction that the industry is becoming known for. A quick scenario and realization from the article: “Reno’s average price for a single-family home is now $400,000… [but the] price for a doublewide? You can get a multi-section [manufactured] home for right around $65,000. So your payment will be under $1,000 a month, which is less than renting an apartment.”
Securing your family a place to stay and also have money left over to have a life that is fulfilling is no easy task these days. But working with manufactured home retailers, manufactured home lenders, and being aware of the manufactured home advantage when shopping for that space makes the decision rather easy and plain to see.
To sum it up nicely, “…the manufactured home business is growing…while houses here aren’t getting cheaper.”