Mobile Home Bathtubs: Repair and Replacement Tips
Working on improving your mobile home and fixing all sorts of troubles can be challenging. Mobile home bathtubs are among the potential issues that can create the most problems if not fixed on time. Whether you choose to repair or replace your bathtub, here are a few of the best tips that will help you do it in the least painful way.
To repair or replace – that is the question!
Before you start making any changes to the mobile home plumbing, it is crucial first to determine the problem. The state of your mobile home bathtub will tell you whether it is worth fixing or not. You can quickly and easily repair some issues, while some cases call for a replacement as the best course of action.
If your bathtub is made of plastic, the appearance of cracks will imply replacement in 99% of the cases. On the other hand, fiberglass is more not only durable, but you can repair it as well.

Fixing a plastic bathtub
Let’s see what situations constitute the 1% of cases when you can actually fix a cracked plastic bathtub.
First of all, it is essential that the crack is not too large. There are two ways in which you can cover small cracks:
- Epoxy repair kit – it is very easy to use, and the color matches the bathtub, so the fix will almost be invisible. Remember that any movement of the fixed part can widen the crack, causing an even bigger issue.
- Tub repair tape – this quick-fix solution is not the best option if you want it to be an invisible one. However, if you are willing to prioritize the practical side over an aesthetic one, it is a much better solution. The tape is flexible, and it moves with the crack, so it will not reappear. However, if the crack runs, the tape will not be of much help.
Replacing a mobile home bathtub
If you determine that the issue is impossible to fix, it is better to replace the bathtub. In case you are renting a mobile home, it is best to first speak with the landlord about everything. Nevertheless, let’s cover all the steps of the process so you are familiar with what may await you.
Check the bottom of your bathtub
Either Styrofoam or plastic legs support the bottom of the bathtub. Before getting a new bathtub, make sure to check this part. If you are wondering what the difference is, know that a bathtub with plastic legs is a necessity if you have a sewer line running below it. The danger of having plastic legs supporting your bathtub is that the legs might crack if the subfloor is not entirely flat and leveled. On the other hand, if you don’t have pipes under the tub, Styrofoam is a much better solution because it is more stable.
Once you know the technical side of it, you can pick the color and the size most suitable for your bathroom.
How to remove the bathtub
The first step in the process of removing a bathtub is to shut off the water. It is necessary to unscrew and drain all the pipes. You can either take apart the p-trap or remove the pipe directly from the drain. Bathtubs with an overflow have another line attached to them.
Once you remove the waterline connections and nuts from the back, you can remove the faucet. Also, keep in mind that older faucets may need disassembling as well.

Before you can remove the bathtub, you need to cut out the surrounding material. Carefully cut the top, trim it with a utility knife, and then pull the stripes off the wall. Once you have removed the surrounding material, you will see the lip of the bathtub. Just remove the screws and slowly remove the bathtub.
Installing a new bathtub
Before putting a new bathtub in place, check if the supporting rim boards are set. Furthermore, if the old skirt track doesn’t need replacing, leave it. Otherwise, put a new one that came with the tub.
Another best practice is also to replace the faucet, install new waterline ends, and a new drain. Even if the old ones look good, they probably won’t seal tightly after being removed. If there is one thing you don’t need after installing a new bathtub, that’s leaking.
Are you thinking about whether you should replace a bathtub yourself or call a professional plumber?

Now that you have seen what is necessary to replace a bathtub in your mobile home, think carefully about whether you should do this on your own or call a plumber. If you are savvy with the plumbing fixtures and you understand the explanations above, by all means, go for it. However, if there are a few steps you don’t understand, or maybe don’t have the proper tools, you would be much better off calling a plumber. Otherwise, you could risk causing even more damage.
Moving a bathtub to a new home
If you decide to move to a new mobile home at one point, you will need to understand the process of removing and installing the bathtub. Used homes probably have issues, so it will be a good idea to check the bathroom as soon as you have the chance.
In case there is a fair offer on the table, you can take it knowing that you can quickly solve the bathtub issues, should there be any. Furthermore, remember to make a deal with a reliable relocation company, so you don’t have to waste energy or time planning a move on your own.
Repair and replacement tips for mobile home bathtubs made easy
Even though the entire process might sound complicated, a bathtub can be replaced in under 30 minutes if you know what you are doing. Nevertheless, consulting with a professional plumber cannot be a bad thing. Some homes have more issues than you can notice, so an expert’s opinion will always be necessary. Remember these repair and replacement tips for mobile home bathtubs; you never know when you might need them!