Moving Manufactured Homes: What To Know Before You Go

Manufactured homes hold a significant advantage over their site-built counterparts. Moving a manufactured home is entirely possible and, if planned ahead of time, completely affordable. Moving a stick-built home is possible, but would cost about as much as a new home and then some to actually pull off. There are a few reasons that there is such a significant price difference between the two methods. As previously mentioned, the building process for a manufactured space is entirely off-site, to begin with. That’s a good start to explain why moving manufactured homes are the easiest of the building methods.
The fact that it was installed in the first place begs that it can be uninstalled with the right tools and professionals pulling the job off. They are typically more affordable than new site-built homes due to the quicker home building process and the efficient use of materials, which helps make them complete without the extra costs and waiting time! They are built with multiple sections and can be placed on any foundation, completely customizable as well. With a manufactured home, you can receive the same benefits that a site-built home gives. Even down to the smallest detail, a manufactured home can be an exact replica of what the buyer envisions in their head!

Manufactured homes are delivered by truck originally, so they can be uninstalled and relocated if the need arises. This makes manufactured homes the perfect situation for those that are wanting to make the commitment of homeownership but aren’t convinced that this is the space they’ll want for the rest of their lives. Because of their puzzle piece nature, you can even buy a smaller mod to start off on a block you grew up on, while you plan and save for a move out to land in the country or city to add your finishing mods. Manufactured homes are also ideal as an Accessory Dwelling Unit. An ADU manufactured home meets the requirements of a movable residence (which is mandatory in some areas) while also keeping up with your main home’s stylish finish.
The moving process is a truck hooking up and taking your home to a new site and reinstalling for you to move in. That’ it. Because a manufactured home isn’t real estate there is no need to take a home off a foundation in most cases! The cost involved in relocation varies depending on the house. The whole process could be done roughly for $10,000 to $20,000 for the average price of moving a modular home, particularly one from Clayton Homes that is still on its steel chassis! It’s important to ask questions you have during the beginning stages of the home building process because all builders operate on different terms and conditions. For moving it in the future some might incorporate a chassis, some might have a quick-release option for their foundations, you really have to do your homework at the beginning if you want to save money! From there, you can determine the cost and understand specifically how your manufactured home will be transported to its site!