Your Summer Mobile Home Remodeling Guide
When it comes to remodeling your mobile home, it can be hard to find the right time to complete certain projects. For example, you wouldn’t want to install a new mobile home porch in the dead of winter, particularly if you live in Michigan.
But, that means that the summertime is a great opportunity to knock out some remodeling projects you’ve been waiting on. Whether you’re working indoors or outdoors, there are some remodeling projects that will benefit greatly from being completed in July, August, September, or even October if you’re in a warmer area.
Here are just a few ideas for remodeling your mobile home during the summer months:
Revamp Your Windows
Your windows play a very important role in your mobile home. They not only help provide natural light throughout your home, but they are important for insulating your home, too. That is, they keep the hot summer air out during the summertime, while keeping your cold air inside.
If you notice this summer that your windows aren’t fully sealed, or aren’t doing a good job of temperature control, it might be time to repair or replace them. Summer is a great time to undergo a mobile home window replacement because the weather is often nicer than it would be in the winter or spring.
We’ve talked before about mobile home windows on the MHVillager. But, it’s worth repeating that this is one of the best ways to remodel your home while giving it some extra value. In fact, it’s a great project to keep in mind if you’re looking to sell your mobile home anytime soon.
Try Some New Landscaping
Summer is also a great time to take care of your manufactured home’s landscaping. Whether you’re just laying down some new sod or planting some new bushes or even a tree, the summer is the perfect time to get your outdoor work done before the colder months set in.
Now, just because we’re midway through the summer doesn’t mean you can’t still get some landscaping work done.
Here’s a great idea you may not have considered: what is the landscaping like around your mobile home’s shed, if you have one? Is there overgrowth you’ve been meaning to get to, or have you been meaning to start a mini garden out there but haven’t had the time? Now’s the time to start clearing that land and getting it in good shape.

If you’re taking on a larger project such as planting bushes and you live in a manufactured home community, make sure you have clearance from your community before you do so.
Paint Your Mobile Home’s Siding
Here’s a fun project that you can do this summer: paint the siding of your mobile home!
How you’ll go about this project depends on what kind of siding you have. Vinyl siding, the most common type of siding for mobile homes, can be rather easily painted. Stone siding, which isn’t as common, can be more difficult to paint.
If you do decide to paint your mobile home siding, make sure you power-wash the surface first, as well as have the right equipment to do so. In some cases, you may need an aerosol paint gun, rollers, and other safety equipment to do the job right.
For those living in communities, again, check your community’s guidelines to ensure that you can paint your home before you begin any kind of paint work.
Renovate Your Mobile Home Porch
Do your family members or guests complain about the steps to up to your mobile home being cracked? Is your handrail loose or in need of repair?
Summertime is the perfect time to make repairs and remodel your porch. For example, you could consider placing new steps in front of your porch, or replacing your handrail. Some homeowners even choose to paint their porch to match their mobile home.
Like with your siding, check your community’s guidelines before undergoing any mobile home porch repairs if you live in a community. It’s especially important since some cities and states have safety guidelines that impact porches.
For example, there may be rules on how many steps your porch can have, or rules dictating whether or not you must have a handrail for safety purposes.

Start Remodeling Your Kitchen
A kitchen remodel can be one of the most extensive projects you might undergo throughout your mobile home’s life. But, it can also be one of the most worthwhile. That, and you don’t have to do it all in one piece.
For example, one year you could replace your mobile home’s flooring, and the next you could paint the room. Or, maybe this is the season to upgrade some of your appliances.
The reason summertime is a good time to do a kitchen remodel is because, if you’re without a stove or microwave for a period of time, it’s a good time of year to grill outdoors. Why not time your remodel project with an evening of BBQ?